Learn more about the key question Experts and Informal Conversations on Formalism in the Arts
I assume that the humanities and art are not separate fields but one single field. This field appears distinct from the science field. Since I assume art and humanities as one field, researching art and science implies the humanities and science relationship.
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The intersections between art and mathematics could be very old, though challenging to frame. Prehistoric artefacts, like any object in general, face questions related to the ontology of art. Likewise, without written documentation, addressing prehistoric artefacts in mathematics is difficult. Taking care of these conditions, we can evaluate some hypotheses.
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According to the dictionary, to imitate has at least two meanings: to behave like someone else or to make a copy of someone or something else*.
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* Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, s.v. “imitate,” accessed 4 May, 2023, Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, s.v. “imitate,” accessed 4 May, 2023, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/imitate
I contend that data-driven art is a joint between art and information technology. In my art research, I add to this joint a third piece, magical thinking. Then I use this framework to develop artwork on broad and specific themes, like violence and online hate speeches.
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Walking as practice is related historically to the lineage designed by Lory Waxman, which implies Surrealism, Situationism and Fluxus*.
Learn more about the key question Walking as an art practice
* Matos F. 2005, Walking & Rhythmicity: sensing urban space, paper presented at Walk21-VI “Everyday Walking Culture”, The 6th International Conference on Walking in the 21st Century, September 22-23 2005, Zurich, Switzerland